Movie Review

Flee the Light (2021) Movie Review

Director: Alexandra Senza

Writer: Jennifer Mancini (Screenplay)

Starring: Annie Tuma, Ariana Marquis, Jamar Adams Thompson, Jane Siberry, Fox Kent, Leanne Ofori-Atta

Plot: A psychology student attempts to cure her sister’s crippling psychosis only to expose them both to its origin: an ancient creature intent on claiming their souls.

Tagline – It Hunts in the Light

Runtime: 1 Hour 20 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Flee the Light starts when sisters Andra (Tuma) and Delfi (Marquis) start finding themselves dealing with an unexplainable series of events as Andra starts to see herself being targeted by an ancient creature, that has started to take over her.

As the sisters look to solve the problems, they will start to see the deadlier side of what the creature wants, leading them to search for more answers outside of normal science, in the supernatural field, but can they save themselves before it is too late.

Thoughts on Flee the Light

ThoughtsFlee the Light is a horror thriller that will see the bond between two sisters as they will need to battle their own problems as they find themselves being attacked by an unknown ancient creature. When it comes to the idea behind what is going on is interesting because we balance the already known psychosis one of the sisters is going through, with a supernatural side of thing, mixing the unexplained side to things. When it comes to the supernatural side of things, we get enough to show the fear, but it only seems to show the danger within the circle, not a bigger threat that could be going on. The performances from the two leads Annie Tuma and Ariana Marquis are both strong, making you want to see more from them going forward. There is a weakness and that comes from the special effects being used that can take us away from the bigger picture.

Final Thoughts Flee the Light is a horror that will give you plenty to enjoy, but does fall flatter when it comes to biggest impact.