Movie Review

Recap & Review – The Crown Season 3 – Episode 10 Cri de Coeur

Recap & Review – The Crown Season 3 – Episode 10 Cri de Coeur

This episode starts by as Margaret is seeing her marriage fall apart seeing her slip into a depression despite the Queen trying to cheer her up, while the government is turning into a complete mess with neither side managing to get a majority vote off the latest election.

Margaret hosts a birthday party where she declares that she wants her husband banned from all royal functions, turning to social friends to find her own affair on the side with a younger man, one that the tabloids are quick to make front page news of.

The Royal Family has seen its reputation dragged through the papers once again, now Margaret is going to get caught up in the middle messy divorce, as her life spirals out of control. Harold Wilson regains the power of Downing Street, but will need to look to step down, finding his latest replacement and finally showing the respect for each other that the two have often clashed over before, being offered the honour only Winston Churchill had received before.

The Queen is preparing for the next chapter of her career in the palace, with a new prime minster, her sister being the first royal to have a divorce in memory and now a change in the world once again, for the next season.

This episode if a Margaret one which has been long awaited for because she is a delight to watch, Helena Bonham Carter gives us a wonderful performance that finally gets the laughs we were expecting. The troubles could reshape her reign and learning more about who she can trust around her, while seeing the country starting to fall apart, in ways that were completely out of her control.

Rating 9/10

By Darren Lucas

Big Film fan and general entertainment fan

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